Body Wisdom, Light Touch for Optimal Health, written by Sharon Giammatteo (Paperback)
Price $16.95 (plus $8.50 for shipping/handling)
In Body Wisdom, Dr. Sharon Giammatteo (Ayelet’s mother!) makes available a comprehensive and effective regimen for total body healing through an approach that has been in development since 1984. She offers a plan that works, for a wide variety of symptoms, toward real improvement in emotional and physical health. It is organized in three easy-to-understand sections– history and development, an introduction to the techniques, and the step-by-step protocols used to promote healing.
These simple, gentle methods can not only support first aid, but also assist in full recovery of both body and mind. Helping us to help ourselves, Body Wisdom allows readers to experience the benefits of these hands-on treatments in our own space and at our own time. Body Wisdom presents a way to become more attuned to our bodies by releasing the incredible self-healing capacity within all of us. By empowering those who have suffered long enough, this book offers not only information, but new hope.
Body Wisdom teaches readers a self-healing method that can return life to areas deadened by shock or trauma. The technique is based on the Neurofascial Process, a calculated laying on of hands and subsequent release of emotional and physical pain. The author widens her scope to include any pain, strain, or fracture, and extensive illustrations make the process simple and rewarding.