Cooking classes are a fun way of learning how to change the way we eat! But so often, classes are limited in gluten-free options. If you are local to Connecticut, check out the following live classes that I will be teaching at the Cookshop Plus in West Hartford Center and other workshops in the area– all Gluten-free & Paleo!!! For those of you who are not local, check out my cooking videos on my Food Blog.
Testimonial from December Class: “Thank you! I loved the class. I have been gluten free for several years but have not tried Paleo (yet). And I liked what you said about feeling better after going gluten free (as I have too) but going Paleo made you feel even better. Your recipes showed me Paleo can taste good! Thanks again. I hope to take another class.” -Michelle D.
Testimonial from January Class: “Thank you Ayelet! I had a great time and made everything again last night! Your recipes were amazing and it was such a fun night cooking together. So cold outside but inside we were warm and happy. A great evening! Thank you again!” -Debbie S.